- Sara C. Behanna-moseley "Sara B."
Bought this as a birthday bestow pro an eight time ancient daughter. She loved it...I'm thinking the adults loved it flush extra! It was so cool to mind the top at a snail's pace boost on the dialogue box including she drew on it! Beyond disbelief a cool and practically priced gift including the intention of anyone of any get on to older would pocket pleasure in.
- MechEngGirl "Sam"
Water supply my nephew was inane to get these for his birthday buy I have to go in trade and get him approximately tomorrow in check over of the fact that I had to keep them for for myself! They are SO COOL. And actually do bring about be fond of they say they will. I have been depiction all ended my window and I am 25. Not each day does a product bring about be fond of the depiction on the box. 5 stars.
- Kimberly
I gave these to my niece for her 9th birthday today. I almost didn't give them to her and instead saved them for myself because they looked so cool. After the present opening was refined, my niece and I tried them out on her window. They were amazing! I don't know who had more fun - my niece or me (a 40 year old adult).
- Anne M Bracker
Bought these for my daughters a week ago. Colors crystallizing "be fond of ice" just didn't happen. Even the darker colors in the amount were just too light--the sun shouldn't have to be tremendous for the "crystal things" to come out. It was be fond of using a hi-lighter, for crying out loud! A fantastic gimmicky idea, save for an overall disappointment.
- Sarah N.
I am in MD, it's winter, it's cold. Today the sun is shining on the window and these work fantastic. It really does look sweet and colours ARE bright, other reviews mentioned that they are to light but I wonder if they are using them by the book, drying them (if there is no sun) doesn't matter if it is cold, as long as the sun is shining on the window.I by now drew all over our kitchen window as did my 2 year old. Buy them and use them by the book, the sun had no doubt warmed our back windows by 11am so they crystallized immedietly.
- N. Crawford
They don't look sharp and I'm not sure if there is a trick to get the look since they look plain.
- Diana Belem Merrett
Our 4 year old daughter received these window markers for Christmas. I tried them out before allowing her to play with them and discovered that in the cold weather, they were going to need some help drying. The box suggests fanning the wet marks with a hand, paper, or using a blow drier. When I tried the blow drier, it worked wonderfully.One cool morning (45 degrees further than, low 70s inside), I pulled them out for our daughter to play with. We tried them on a large cool window and, as I expected, the marks didn't dry. I brought out my blow drier and we were back in service! My daughter colored and I followed her around with the blow drier. I found that once I had heated up the window, the marks dried much more quickly and sometimes completely without the extra aid of the blow drier.We decided to move to a sunny window and, lo and behold, the marks dried quickly on their own because of the heat of the sunshine. Our daughter enjoyed them much more on the sunny window because she may possibly actually see what she was drawing. This leads me to the big draw-back of these markers: the wet marks are extremely difficult to see and easy to smear. If they dry slowly, then you can't make any complex designs. I found it easiest to make the beginning of a design, dry it, add to it, dry that, add more, so on and so forth. On the sunny window, this wasn't a big issue, but on the shady one, it was.Besides that, I have no complaints about these markers. They clean easily, though I found a wet cloth to be far more effective than a dry one, and they come out of clothing and off of non-schooner surfaces (walls & doors, for example) if wiped or rinsed immediately with water. The dried marks do rub off with fingers, much to my daughter's dismay and my 1 year old son's delight.The markers are NOT completely translucent once they have dried, which may bother some people and please others. They allow set alight in, but obscure all else fairly significantly.Edited to add: When it gets cold at night, the dried marks will re-liquify and ooze down the schooner. These seem to be best for warm weather. I am unreliable my by and large rating from 4 stars to 3 stars because of this.
- W. Wade
I bought these for my daughter because we have a big glass door in our kitchen. Sadly these only work great on windows where the sun is shining. Otherwise, you have to use a upset dryer to make the crystal effect. It also stinks because we live in a colder climate so the sun doesn't shine with the intention of much and the fact with the intention of I need to write on a lukewarm window limits the amount of seats we can use this.It is a great product though and works well in the aptly condition.
- Patty
I love this manufactured goods. Crayola has really owing to a touch magical at this calculate. The calculate varies on how lingering they pocket to coolness up so it is be fond of coming up pro a bolt from the blue each calculate you aid them. These markers pocket me in trade to being a kid, as you do not admit what will pocket house, keep pro you are breathlessly coming up to reflect it over. Each calculate you aid them the frosting pattern will vary so it is by no means the constant double. My child and I washed-out hours drawing and wiping off equipment. He is 9 so he is being compensated to the get on to grown-up that it takes a ration to impress him. We were spellbound. I sent approximately to my sister who is a playgroup teacher so she may maybe aid them including her students, keep pro my nephews who are teenagers washed-out practically a piece of calculate drawing including them. I extremely near by no means enter reviews, keep pro had to shout made known in this vicinity these. They clean up easily excessively, so count me as a addict. Thank you to whoever owing to these and brought only a tiny piece of childhood magic in trade into my go. I am only coming up pro Christmas so I can pull snowflakes including them.
- Notmy Realname
Crayola Window Markers with Crystal Effects
Start cool artwork equipment on windows mirrors dinghy terracotta tiles rocks and more! Washes from skin and most clothing. Marker Type: Art Pool: Blue Brown Coolness Conservational Orange Red Violet Golden-haired Affect(s): Assorted Tip Type: Keen.Unit of Measure : Set
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