- Terri J. Rice "ricepaper"
Ravensburger, the legendary puzzle makers, have now created a fashion creator set for girls. The set comes with a fake case to keep all the pieces together, a tiny projector (which requires 4 AA batteries, not included), a tracing pen, document, glare buffer, 20 fake template pieces (which are stored in a fake slot in the case), and an education book.This is not the old fashioned toy everywhere you mix and match plates, and then use a pastel to rub over the document on the plates. This set has the outcome place a fake circle template (called a "foil") on top of the projector light. The image can be prolonged or shrunk using the lens on the projector, and then traced on to a cut of document. A guide holds the document in place. The one point of frustration for my outcome was that the fake foils are tops, middles, and bottoms. There is no guide on everywhere to initiation and end them, so it can be tiresome for younger family tree to align the uncommon pieces accurately. If the outcome has altered the zoom on the lens, that will also cause some frustration as it desires to be consistent to get a matching refined manufactured goods.Once the complete design has been traced, the outcome can take out the document and then affect or enhance the develop as desired. We purchased painted pencils, markers, and glitziness glue for this fun part.While the toy is not compulsory for ages 8+, my 7 year old daughter had no conundrum using the toy.If you run out of document, the education booklet has the dimensions on how to cut additional document for use with the toy.This is a fun, higher-feature fashion designer toy for girls. It has the feature and toughness that I would estimate from Ravensburger.
- C. Bennett
If you training to produce this as a gift, be sure to include the required batteries and approximately colored pencils. You'll also need a screwdriver to open the battery compartment. Not just so ready to go out of the box.Unless your outcome is actually into create and tracing, this will doubtless be inflicted with top surprise appeal. There are only so many combos you can make.All three examples on the Ravensburger box be inflicted with been colored in are Caucasian. How in this area a modest ethnic variety, there, Ravensburger?If you want to keep in this area $10 and come a modest closer to true create design in stipulations of picking out and mixing up fabrics, the American Daughter Doll folks be inflicted with created a craft tome with the intention of my daughter *loves* and plays with calculate and calculate again:http://www.amazon.com/Document-Doll-Create-American-Daughter/dp/1593696922/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1343828734&sr=1-1&keywords=document+doll+create+funBottom outline, others be inflicted with praised features such as portability, and it's true with the intention of this might be semi clad toy to take on a trip (if you pack pencils) everywhere options are top surprise. In all-purpose, I don't reflect the long-lasting appeal (or actually, the lack thereof) justifies the scare of buying superfluous components and paying this fee.
- Miss Darcy
Gave this to my 6-year-old daugther and this reserved her and he supporter unavailable for a good hour. My dauther likes to draw and she likes to barbie stuff. This kind of looks be fond of barbie and involves depiction, so it was a treat to her. Since my daughter can't draw that well at her age, thet tracing depiction was very good for her. The materials does'nt believe to sturdy though.
- C. Park
My 7 time old toy tester loved this one! She was competent to initiation her own fashions including stretch including the templates. It guaranteed reserved her calm down for a little! We were satisfied including the feature and the consequences of her "creations"! It's a splendid toy for "on the go" or a rainy day! I would buy this as a gift for guaranteed.
- Sl Judge "gatormomz"
My 9 time old loves the color in create books that are so popular currently. This manufactured goods seemed be fond of a splendid pro trips and Summer trip so she had a touch extra and appealing to protect her unavailable.All comes in a fake reside in explanation including a molded soubriquet. Sorry to say, a only only any superfluous bits and pieces are really looked-for. Painted pencils and markers so the designs can be painted and especially a array pro the indoor lamp (it's startling this comes including neither since they are extremely low-priced additions).The drawings are owing to in stages - initially the legs, at that calculate the torso, at that calculate the bust/have control over. Foils are old and be inflicted including to be alisgned sensibly as you 'build your develop'. Sorry to say, here aren't that many designs and they aren't all interchangeable. The fashions themselves are extra JCPenney than distinguished aim glamour couture (kind of tarty, honestly).My 9 time old owing to two drawings keep pro it finished up being road excessively greatly work as she may maybe only get on to a flip tome and color in the 100s of designs in persons books (or only pull her confess dresses). So this didn't get on to a ration of aid including the initially calculate. It really desires greatly extra to be a skilled regard pro the price.
- Talvi
I bought this to have almost for when my niece who is 8 is ended and desires someone to do or for any of kid I might watch. I've used it myself so I can review it. You definitely need a steady hand when depiction. Unlike by a model and having the advantage of the persona keeping your depiction utensil in line, this has the persona projected on to your paper with a backlight and you go ended the lines with the marker with the intention of is enclosed, so your lines could possibly be off or wobbly. This will be fun to use with my niece. I can reflect it over us depiction and coloring for an afternoon of creativeness.
- T. Casto
The Runway fashions is basically a small set alight table that can be used as is, or with included clear fake discs (they call them "foils") with designs printed. You can use the foils to draw a girl and design clothes for her. There are two sets A and B, each has a few different heads and upper bodies, lower bodies, and legs. You can mix and match pieces within a set. First, you put the first foil into the holder inside, turn the set alight on, close the lid, slide narrow piece of paper on top, and draw around the image. Then open the case, remove the foil, put in the next one, close the lid, move the paper up and draw again, then repeat those steps again with the third foil. Then remove your drawing and color.Everything looks fine, until you initiation actually drawing - then you realize that the fake cover of the set alight table is so thin and flexible, that it bends under pressure, and the design moves/becomes smaller since it is at approximately distance from the top. he foils also quite tricky to remove. When you ran out of paper enclosed, you will call for to cut your own from lightweight paper stock, not heavier then 20lb. The toy is made by German company, so it uses metric standard paper A4, not the American letter size paper, which is about quarter creep wider then A4 paper. If you just cut a letter sized paper in half lengthwise, it will be just a tiny bit wider then needed, which is quite frustrating.
- ganka
The box says for age 8 and grown-up. I just couldn't wait to show it to my granddaughter. She has exceptional fine motor skills and learns promptly. Once explained it seemed to be no conundrum with it. It seems to be a bit poor but if it is full care of it must hold up to your modest girl. I have 17 grandchildren and am everlastingly looking for bits and pieces from which they can gather. I like to lecture them description or a in tears new. With this toy I was able to lecture her to be uncomplaining and grasp that if you don't have the array for the item you have to wait until grandpa can get one from the pile. I let her bed in it and we talked a bit in this area how it made this contrivance work. It does demand the age and experience levels to be up if the outcome is to play with it by themselves.
- T.D. Orr "Dano"
I'll start off by echoing some of the additional opinions on the correct age for this toy: 6-10 is probably the sweet stain for this. My older daughter (10) had little interest in what seemed be fond of a unadorned tracing tool as additional fashion books be fond of The Fashion Sketchpad: 420 Figure Templates for Crafty Looks and Building Your Choice by now have figures waiting to be decked out in designs. I estimate this gives the younger family tree a chance to trail and create and THEN affect and get creative. It only seems sweet basic. Also, I'm not guaranteed why 4 batteries are needed here. Seems be fond of overkill! This is a fair toy with the intention of encourages creativeness and keeps the interest of my younger daughter (8), so I'd say it's a skilled choice for the younger side of the not compulsory ages.
- J. Villeneuve "jayvil"
Ravensburger Runway Fashions
Includes: Outcome-Friendly Depiction Case with Commanding Zoom Lamp, a Brightness Buffer, 20 Top Foils, 10 Sheets of Pape, 1 Black Felt-Tip Pen, Fussy Directions.
Not compulsory Ages:8 – 15
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