- J W Womick
Cheap ample for a weekend treat but one of them didnt work right out of the wrap. I've purchased these in other packs previous to and had good luck even if
- Cindybell "CindyBell"
Got this pro my 9 yr. old daughter. She absolutely loves them! All worked made known of the amount. All takes 2 consumable batteries, though the batteries cost $7 ...more than the manufactured goods itself. Including the intention of's the release con I reflect it over including this ( and so loads of additional part array operated toys).
- paintgirl
This was a christmas gift for a 10 yr old girl and she loved it. She called me the other day and said they were so COOL. She sought after more for her birthday next month. So looks like i will be export more for her.
- Cindybell "CindyBell"
Mattel Radica GirlTech Sugar Cubes Icons Party Pack
Prompt physically digitally with Girl Tech Sugar Cubes wearable digital charms! With over 75 uncommon animations you can show off, personalize and start your own interactive bracelets and garnishing. Assemble them all!
AGES: 6 and up
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